Dose of Reality

UX/UI Design
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Lead UX Designer
Dose of Reality

Dose of Reality Campaign Design

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services collaborated with KW2 to create an educational series of opioid-related web pages. Opioids such as prescription pain medications, fentanyl, and heroin cause daily harm to Wisconsin communities. In Wisconsin, opioid overdoses kill more people than vehicle accidents. However, there is something more powerful than opioids: all of us. We can reduce the dangers of opioids and their impact on our communities through proper education and awareness.

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My Role in the Project

We started by organizing a discovery meeting with key DHS stakeholders. During this discussion, we heard about the purpose of these web pages, the audiences they would serve, and any additional content or functionality requirements. Following that conversation, we created a discovery key findings document that established the fundamental goals for these new webpages. Next, we developed the information architecture and content strategy. After approval, we began designing wireframes before collaborating with our graphic designer to establish the look and feel of this new section.

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