You Stop the Spread

UX/UI Design
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Lead UX Designer
You Stop the Spread

You Stop the Spread Campaign Design

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services collaboratedwith KW2 to create a centralized “hub” for important information related toCOVID-19 and the vaccines on its website. This new section served to inform andeducate the public about the vaccines, help combat vaccine hesitancy, and workto improve mental health. During this project, the COVID-19 vaccines were in the approval process, and vast misinformation was circulating on the internet.DHS wanted a centralized location for users to gain essential and reliablevaccine information.

This section incorporated information about vaccinedevelopment, safety, eligibility, side effects, FAQs, and Wisconsin-specificdata. When finished, this section served the general public and local andnational companies and departments. During the height of the pandemic in 2021,this section experienced more than 29 million pageviews and, to this day, isstill the most popular section on the DHS website.

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My Role in the Project

We started by organizing a discovery meeting with key DHSstakeholders. We gained more insight into the purpose of these web pages, theaudiences they would serve, and additional content or functionalityrequirements. Following this conversation, we created a discovery key findingsdocument that established the fundamental goals for these new web pages. Next,we developed the information architecture and content strategy. After approval,we began designing wireframes before collaborating with our graphic designer toestablish the look and feel of this new section.

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